March 2021

The Haircut

The last time I sat down in a real barber shop was in November of 2019. My whole family was with me for support as the barber shaved my head to preempt my impending hair loss.  I had made the decision to shave off my hair because every time I showered; my hair was falling

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The Spark

During my long hospital stays, I came to appreciate just how important comfort and normalcy can be in such a nerve-wracking environment. One part of my stays that I hated was wearing a hospital gown. I mean really, who designs these things? Hospital gowns don’t fit, they are literally like wearing a sheet that probably

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I share stories with friends, family and pretty much anyone that will listen.  I realized long before I was diagnosed with brain cancer that sharing stories can make people laugh, cry, want to support, but most importantly feel connected. As part of my journey with cancer and now remission, I have even more to share.

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